Jump-Rope Workout

Good old fashioned jump-rope is not only a workout for the jumper, but the person turning the rope also gets a workout. I know this because I was on the end of that rope for a good 20 minutes before this young man took over. Mastering the timing it takes to jump at the precise moment that the rope reaches the ground takes determination and practice. Fun-Times!


  1. Totally agree - jump rope whether you're turning the rope or skipping is hard work - it is one of those important play behaviours that is essential - was this a school yard? I know some schools forbade skipping which is a shame.

    1. Yes Debra, this is a school yard. We are able to have skipping ropes after school. I have a before and after school group attending the YMCA program that I run at this school. We tend to take more risk with our play. This promotes planning and forward thinking children who become courageous in their decision making.

  2. That's awesome! I loved jumping rope as a child. We had all sorts of songs that went along with it. Skip its also became popular when I was young, where you put a ring on your ankle and spin the rope around to jump over. It's similar to jumping rope!


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