Post 1: Reminiscing about your experiences of outdoor play

Children playing with fruits of a tree in a slum in New Delhi 

 Hello Everyone!

We are very pleased to invite your thoughts for our first blog post.

To make this post special, we decided to take you down the memory lane and recollect your experiences of outdoor play. Tell us anything and everything about it (for example, where did it happen, who were your playmates, what equipment did you use, what games did you play). We would also love to see any pictures from your childhood. This post will make you nostalgic, we promise! 

Really excited to sharing and reading the experiences. 

PS: Please don't forget to add the tag (Post 1) to your blogpost. 

Warm Regards,

Debra & Simran 


  1. Hi everyone - so glad you decided to join us on this blog journey. I'm pretty old - so lots of my memories are about free roaming childhood outdoor play with big packs of children! I also grew up on military bases so we tended to roam quite freely, building dens, or playing elaborate games with so many rules no one could really understand. I look forward to hearing about your experiences!

  2. I loved playing outside as a child (and still do)! I was fortunate to grow up in a very small town of about 500 people, so my home was surrounded by forests and agricultural land. My favourite activities were climbing trees, playing in rivers and trying to catch frogs, minnows, or crawfish, and watching/petting the cows and horses at local farms. I loved having the opportunity to explore natural areas on my own or with my peers from time to time. As an adult, I still really enjoy connecting with nature by hiking and gardening.

  3. Thank you for taking me down memory lane. Memories of outdoor play, screams of laughter, sharing times with several neighbouring friends are fondly thought of. I grew up in a small town. Large back yards with plenty of children to go around surrounded our living space. Neighbours relied on each other. Doors were often unlocked. We would run over to our friends house, calling their names loudly, beckoning them to come out to play. If they were still eating dinner, we would be invited to join. Ahhh! Close your eyes. Can you hear the sound of FUN!

  4. I remember riding bikes with the other children on the street and my brothers and sister. We would always find somewhere to go such as a near by park. I also remember in the winter we would spend plenty of time in the snow together building forts, pulling toboggans, jumping off large snow piles and have snow ball fights. Each season offered us a variety of experiences and shaped our enjoyment in different ways!


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