"Big Adventure"

The Benefits of Green Space and Wide Open Spaces

Room to grow, wander, explore and discover are but a few benefits of natural space for young people to play. Play is their job. Our job is to facilitate that opportunity for children in our programs. Offer them a few materials that may enhance their play. Most of all give them freedom of time. 

This child was only steps away from the open gate in the fence. It was his choice to use those great muscles to hoist himself over the fence. Perhaps this was his way of making this moment a "Big Adventure".



  1. I love your perspective on this and seeing the fence as an opportunity for adventure also sharing the importance of the freedom of time. I am always trying to step outside of the rushed mindset and be present with the children I find the outdoors is a great place to do this. There is something about the environment and being away from the clock on the wall that makes me feel free as an educator with children.

    1. I love the thought of not "living by the clock". The clock adds way more stress than is necessary.

  2. What an amazing display of strength and determination! I often notice that children will choose the more challenging path. I think that this can support their autonomy, strength, and resilience.


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