Thinking outside of the box Thursdays: How can we support environmental stewardship with children?

We have thought a lot the importance of children engaging with the outdoors in meaningful ways… How can we help protect their outdoor place spaces and teach children about environmental stewardship?

For example, how can we support children in treating plants and wildlife with respect and care? In what other ways can they learn about protecting outdoor spaces?

Below is an example of a sustainability provocation I offered to children. By adding the list with pictures at a child’s eye level, they could learn about the materials that could be recycled and then recycle objects independently.


  1. We are big on recycling in our room! We remind children where to place recyclables, rather than the garbage. We have a recycling bin like this on our art shelf inside as well and we try to keep it filled with items from our homes that could be used in an art project. In preschool, the interest of protecting the earth isn't naturally occurring; however, I think I could combine it when an interest in Spring comes around again!

    1. That's an amazing idea to reuse materials for art! I think it's a great idea to work aspects of sustainability into your every day practice. Some of these practices could form lifelong habits.


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