Outdoor Literacy

Literacy activities, such as reading and writing, are often thought of as indoor activities. Do you incorporate literacy in your outdoor environments? How so?

If not, how might you incorporate literacy into outdoor play in the future?

Pictured is a "little library" that were added to an outdoor play space where I worked. We were very fortunate to have a family at the centre build and donate this. 


  1. I am so jealous of your little library! Our neighbourhoods have a couple and they are so neat!
    We have a bin of books we bring out Spring-Fall (when it isn't wet out) with a blanket for the children to sit, relax and enjoy literature. We will read these books upon request of see the children flipping through the pages on their own.

    1. It's great to hear that you are incorporating literacy in the outdoors! Do you notice any differences in how the children engage with the books outside or what they are interested in reading while outside?


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