Loose Parts in the Great Outdoors

My granddaughter and I joined the Outdoor Loose Parts Lab offered by St. Clair College, Thames Campus and the YMCA in the community of Chatham. The rain did not put a damper on our activities. It actually enhanced play by adding the element of available water as another loose part to add to the play. We spent time running around a large yard, checking out every area of interest. Large trees provided places to hide from each other. We chased each other and walked played follow the leader too. 

She moved balls from one play area to another. she moved water with a jug. She scooped and poured again and again.

An hour and a half went by so quickly. I had to tell my granddaughter it was time to go because the activity was closing for the day. 

After all this busy play she ate a hearty lunch, then played some more at home. She finally crashed for a bit of an afternoon nap. It was a fabulous day of sharing time and fun.


  1. Thank you for sharing, Mary! That sounds like an amazing day! I wonder what your biggest "take away" moment was? Does something stand out to you? Perhaps a question, something you were wondering, an idea you can bring into your own work...

  2. My biggest "take away"... When any child is given sufficient time and space to play, they will naturally create their own "game" or imaginary play. when you ar ultimately invited into their play please see it as a priviledge, never a burden. Take the time to be a part of this magnificent moment. Time fades away from us too quickly. Savour each magnificent moment in time with little ones. The house can be cleaned tomorrow!


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